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Moderate rise in Russian government spending

Russia Moderate rise in Russian government spending Revenues to Russia’s consolidated budget (federal, regional and municipal budgets plus state social funds) in the first half of ...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2019

India set to surpass China as the world’s most populous country around 2027

China India set to surpass China as the world’s most populous country around 2027 The UN’s new population outlook, World Population Prospects 2019, released last month expects the global population to...

Subject: China ; Kiina / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2019

Large Russian private bank Uralsib faces bankruptcy prevention measures

Kogan, who is known for his successful banking career in the 1990s to mid-2000s and his association with president Putin. The idea of a private individual as the successor owner of a troubled bank is ...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2015


BOFIT contact information Read also Telephone: +358 9 1831 Mailing address: PO Box 160, 00101 Helsinki, ... talouksien tutkimuslaitos Research Fellow Visiting researchers BOFIT The Bank o... / BOFIT start page

Russian central bank plans to start "bad" bank

Russia Russian central bank plans to start "bad" bank Central Bank of Russia deputy governor Vasily Pozdyshev said Monday (Apr. 2) that problem loans and certain other as...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2018

CBR lowers key rate; oil, ruble and stock markets down in recent weeks

Russia CBR lowers key rate; oil, ruble and stock markets down in recent weeks CBR lowers key rate; oil, ruble and stock markets down in recent weeks The Central Bank of Russia con...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2018

Russian investments focused increasingly on oil & gas last year

Russia Russian investments focused increasingly on oil & gas last year Russian investments focused increasingly on oil & gas last year After years of contraction, Russia's<...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2018

Ruble rise halted in 2017

Russia Ruble rise halted in 2017 Ruble rise halted in 2017 After appreciating for a few months early last year, the ruble's exchange rate generally slid down. While the ruble's Dec...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2018

Nearly a fifth of Russian workers classed as working poor

Russia Nearly a fifth of Russian workers classed as working poor Nearly a fifth of Russian workers classed as working poor A new study from the government's Analytical Center finds tha...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2017

The big push of Finnish firms to invest in their Chinese affiliates came in 2015

Finnish firms to invest in their Chinese affiliates came in 2015 Statistics Finland figures for 2015 show that the affiliates of Finnish firms in China for the first time made China Finland's top...

Subject: China ; Kiina / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2017

China establishes itself as major arms exporter and importer

China establishes itself as major arms exporter and importer A report published last month by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) finds that the volume of international arms t...

Subject: China ; Kiina / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2017

Russian central bank again lowers its key rate

Russia Russian central bank again lowers its key rate Last Friday (July 24), the Central Bank of Russia’s board of directors decided to lower the key rate by 25 basis points to 4.2...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2020

Ruble strengthening on higher oil prices

Ruble strengthening on higher oil prices This week the ruble-dollar exchange rate hovered around 66 RUB, while the euro-ruble rate held around 74 RUB. The ruble has appreciated more than ... due to a ...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2016

CBR lowers key rate for fourth time this year

CBR lowers key rate for fourth time this year ​The Central Bank of Russia lowered its key interest rate one percentage point on Tuesday (June 16) to 11.5 %. The CBR said the rate cut was jus...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2015


Should Be Done? No 5 Laura Solanko and Lauri Vilmi: Globaalit energiamarkkinat murroksessa No 6 Laura Solanko and Lauri Vilmi: The transformation of global energy markets No 7 Andrei Yakovlev: Is t... / globalassets / bofit / tutkimus / tutkimusjulkaisut / policy-brief / documents / 2015


Board in August 2014. The escalation of the conflict with Russia and gas disputes had a negative impact on the overall economic environment. While the authorities demonstrated strong commit... / globalassets / en / bank-of-finland / tasks / international-cooperation / reports


Should Be Done? No 5 Laura Solanko and Lauri Vilmi: Globaalit energiamarkkinat murroksessa No 6 Laura Solanko and Lauri Vilmi: The transformation of global energy markets No 7 Andrei Yakovlev: Is t... / globalassets / bofit / tutkimus / tietoiskut / venaja-tietoisku

Finland - 2022 - Concluding Statement.pdf

year, buoyed by household consumption. Unemployment has declined, and employment rate has reached the highest level in over a decade. The corporate sector has proven resilient to the immediate impac... / globalassets / fi / media-ja-julkaisut / tiedotteet / documents


Aramco’s output and its proven reserves are almost exhausted. Other large oil companies produce even less: for example Russia’s oil companies are much smaller, with the largest one, Rosneft, ... / globalassets / en / research / seminars-and-conferences / conferences-and-workshops / documents / dsge2010

Knight China's macroeconomic imbalances May 2011.pdf

China’s consumption averaged close to 50%, investment over 40%, and net exports about 6% of GDP In other countries we compare China with, consumption usually comprises two-thirds or more of GDP... / globalassets / bofit / tutkimus / konferenssit-ja-tyopajat / 2010-2015 / china2011