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Inflationary pressures in Russia still on the rise

Russia Inflationary pressures in Russia still on the rise Retail sales and war-related industries drove output growth in October Russia’s ministry for economic development...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2023

Russian foreign trade further on path to recovery, capital flows dwindle

Russia Russian foreign trade further on path to recovery, capital flows dwindle Preliminary balance-of-payments figures released by the Central Bank of Russia for the first quarter...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2021

Session 4 - 2 - Aaron Mehotra.pdf

rates above 600% ⚫ Sample includes 26 EMDEs: ▪ Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ghana, Hong Kong SAR, Honduras, Haiti, Hungary, Indonesia, Israel, India, Korea, Mexic... / globalassets / bofit / research / conferences-and-workshops / 2023

Output in most branches of the Russian economy still below pre-invasion levels

#russia Output in most branches of the Russian economy still below pre-invasion levels Many branches of the Russian economy recorded growth in annual terms in April. The growth mainly refle...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2023

Session 2 - Abrams Tagem.pdf

Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, N... / globalassets / bofit / research / conferences-and-workshops / 2023

1.1_Teppo Paavola.pdf

6K branches 31K ATMs 134K employees South America Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Paraguay Peru Uruguay Venezuela North America USA Mexico Europe Germany Finland Belgium Spain France Holl... / globalassets / fi / raha-ja-maksaminen / maksujarjestelmat / maksufoorumi


is compiled and edited from a variety of sources. The Bank of Finland assumes no responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of the information, and opinions expressed do not necessarily refle... / globalassets / bofit / monitoring / weekly / 2011


brought as much as EUR 2.1 billion to Finland. Nevertheless, the travel account remained clearly in deficit, as the value of Finnish travel abroad totalled EUR 2.9 billion. The largest income f... / globalassets / en / statistics / maksutase / documents


openness Enterprise 0 10 20 30 40 50 1990 1995 2000 2005 Sources: National Board of Customs and Statistics Finland. Exports in Finland % of GDP 16 Finnish export... / globalassets / en / media-and-publications / speeches-and-interviews / documents


vulnerable to breakdown of global trade and a potential increase in protectionism. – High share of capital goods – exposure to investment-led recession. ♦ No exchange rate policy – vulnerable to co... / globalassets / en / media-and-publications / speeches-and-interviews / documents

Big differences across sectoral contractions in Russia

Russia Big differences across sectoral contractions in Russia Russia’s economy ministry reports that June GDP was down by nearly 5 % on year while April GDP had been down by ne...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2022

IMF repeats its calls for Russia to implement economic reforms

IMF repeats its calls for Russia to implement economic reforms ​A report on the IMF’s annual Article IV consultations with Russia states that Russian GDP is expected to contract 3.4...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2015

Uneven development in Russian regions last year

Russia Uneven development in Russian regions last year Uneven development in Russian regions last year While Russian industrial output and retail sales overall grew by about 1 % last year,...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2018

CBR lowers key rate by 100 basis points

Russia CBR lowers key rate by 100 basis points On June 19, the Central Bank of Russia lowered its key rate by a full percentage point, dropping it to 4.5 %. The CBR executive ...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2020

New information about Russia’s military-industrial complex and its bank debts

Russia New information about Russia’s military-industrial complex and its bank debts Russia’s military industrial complex (Oboronno-promyshlennyi kompleks, OPK), which com...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2019

Russian industrial output grew at a moderate pace last year

Russia Russian industrial output grew at a moderate pace last year Industrial output in 2018 was up 2.9 % from the previous year. However, seasonally-adjusted time series have shown little ...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2019

Russian and Chinese arms exports decline

Russia,China Russian and Chinese arms exports decline The recent update of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute’s SIPRI Arms Transfers Database shows that the volume of the ...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2021

Russia prepares to introduce new measures favouring domestic producers

Russia Russia prepares to introduce new measures favouring domestic producers At the end of July, president Vladimir Putin approved a law that gives the government the power to designate min...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2020

Significant economic differences across Russia’s cities with populations of more than one million

Russia Significant economic differences across Russia’s cities with populations of more than one million Russia has 16 cities with more than a million inhabitants. The fiv...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2019

IMF’s annual Article IV consultation with Russia raised a wide range of economic issues

IMF’s annual Article IV consultation with Russia raised a wide range of economic issues The expert mission conducting the International Monetary Fund’s latest Article IV Consultation project...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2021