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“Partial mobilisation” creates confusion, markets tumble in Russia

Russia “Partial mobilisation” creates confusion, markets tumble in Russia In an effort to move additional manpower to the front in the Ukraine war, president Vladimir Putin declare...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2022

BOFIT forecasts economic contraction in 2020 for Russia

BOFIT forecasts economic contraction in 2020 for Russia Our latest outlook for the Russian economy is far gloomier than our previous forecast from last October, due to the recent collapse in...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2020

Household borrowing up in Russia

Russia Household borrowing up in Russia Bank lending overall saw a slow recovery in the first half of the year. CBR figures show Russia's credit stock was up 3.4 % y-o...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2018

Changes in area and country structure of Russian goods imports show some stabilisation

down to 38 % in the first half of this year, a slight drop from 1H15 and 1H16. The share of imports from China and other emerging economies in southern and south-eastern Asia rose to more than 26 %, w...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2017

Surveys published by Russia’s Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights show low confidence in safety of the local business environment

Russia Surveys published by Russia’s Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights show low confidence in safety of the local business environment Russia’s Commissioner for Entre...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2021

Production and exports of natural gas declined last year

Russia Production and exports of natural gas declined last year The global economic recession caused by the covid-19 pandemic and last year’s warm winter caused demand for natural gas in

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2021

Robust third-quarter recovery in private consumption last year, Russian fixed investment contracted

Russia Robust third-quarter recovery in private consumption last year, Russian fixed investment contracted Revised figures show that Russian GDP shrank in the third quarter by 3.4 % y-...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2021

Russia's finance ministry proposes continuing the pension funding practice of last years

Russia Russia's finance ministry proposes continuing the pension funding practice of last years Russia's finance ministry proposes continuing the pension funding practice of...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2017

Budget deficits drain Russia’s Reserve Fund

Budget deficits drain Russia’s Reserve Fund In August, the government withdrew 390 billion rubles ($6 billion) in assets to cover the federal budget deficit. Even so, the Reserve Fund still ...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2016


BOFIT Weekly 3 • 16.1.2015 Russia Fitch downgrades Russia’s creditworthiness. Interna- tional credit ratings specialist Fitch announced last Friday (Jan. 9) tha... / globalassets / bofit / monitoring / weekly / 2015


information is compiled and edited from a variety of sources. The Bank of Finland assumes no responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of the information, and opinions expressed do not neces... / globalassets / bofit / monitoring / weekly / 2015


information is compiled and edited from a variety of sources. The Bank of Finland assumes no responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of the information, and opinions expressed do not neces... / globalassets / bofit / seuranta / viikkokatsaus / 2015


been compiled and edited from a variety of sources. The Bank of Finland assumes no responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of the information, and opinions expressed do not necessarily re... / globalassets / bofit / monitoring / weekly / 2012


global financial crisis in 2008. Weak external demand and the parallel declines of Nokia and the paper industry have reduced exports, compounded by ill-timed wage increases in 2008–10 that damaged c... / globalassets / sv / medier-och-publikationer / pressmeddelanden / documents


loans. Ensuring these conditions is not a trivial task, but at least my interpretation of the Finnish experience is that trying to disregard them can prove to be unwise. 6 (6) ... / globalassets / fi / media-ja-julkaisut / puheet / documents


global financial crisis in 2008. Weak external demand and the parallel declines of Nokia and the paper industry have reduced exports, compounded by ill-timed wage increases in 2008–10 that damaged c... / globalassets / en / media-and-publications / releases / documents


Keskinäisriippuvuus … EU 15 % USA 15 % Hong Kong 10 % ASEAN 9 % Japan 15 % S-Korea 8 % Taiwan 7 % Others 21 % China's Foreign Trade 21 20 14 13 10 9 Taiwan Japan USA EU Rus... / globalassets / bofit / tutkimus / tietoiskut / kiina-tietoisku

Russia’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine draws massive economic sanctions from the West

Russia Russia’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine draws massive economic sanctions from the West The new sanctions include restrictions on the financial sector, export bans and sanctions targetin...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2022

EU import ban and G7 price cap on Russian crude oil enter into force; EU plans further sanctions

Russia EU import ban and G7 price cap on Russian crude oil enter into force; EU plans further sanctions The ban on seaborne shipments of Russian crude oil to EU countries went into effect o...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2022

Employment in Russia has continued to rise

Russia Employment in Russia has continued to rise Rosstat’s second-quarter labour force survey finds that the number of employed persons rose further on-year despite the economic d...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2022