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Russia needs to find new export markets for oil ahead of EU sanctions entering into force

Russia Russia needs to find new export markets for oil ahead of EU sanctions entering into force The EU ban on imports of Russian crude oil enters into force on December 5. The ban applies t...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2022

Russian economic growth expected to slow this year

Russia Russian economic growth expected to slow this year The Russian economy recovered briskly last year from the Covid Recession, with GDP returning to pre-crisis levels already last summ...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2022

Number of banks operating in Russia still declining, but not as fast as earlier

Russia Number of banks operating in Russia still declining, but not as fast as earlier Central Bank of Russia governor Elvira Nabiullina declared that the purging of unhea...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2020

Russia and OPEC agree on new production limits

Russia Russia and OPEC agree on new production limits Russia, OPEC and a few other oil-producing countries announced last Friday (Dec. 7) that they were cutting back crude oil ...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2018

Growth in Finnish-Russian trade subsides

Russia Growth in Finnish-Russian trade subsides Ruble depreciation has had a dampening effect on the growth of Finnish exports to Russia this year. While the value of Finland’s imp...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2018

Korhonen Comments on Feldkircher et al 3.pdf

gross debt vs. net international investment position 11.12.2014 Julkinen Per capita GDP in 2007 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 Cyprus Greece Slovenia Czech Republic Portugal Esto... / globalassets / bofit / tutkimus / konferenssit-ja-tyopajat / 2010-2015 / em2014


views of the Bank of Finland. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Current Account (% of GDP) Exports Imports USD bn... / globalassets / bofit / monitoring / weekly / 2016


information is compiled and edited from a variety of sources. The Bank of Finland assumes no responsibility for the completeness or accu- racy of the information, and opinions expressed do not nece... / globalassets / bofit / monitoring / weekly / 2019

Despite signs of economic recovery, imbalances in the Russian economy continue to grow

#russia Despite signs of economic recovery, imbalances in the Russian economy continue to grow Ruble depreciation While Yevgeny Prigozhin’s short-lived insurrection had little immediate eco...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2023

Putin and Xi met in Samarkand as trade between their countries has strengthened

the eight-nation Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). The topics discussed by the presidents included improving the logistics connections between the countries like construction of a new natural g...

Subject: China ; Kiina / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2022

Eurasian Economic Union agreement entered into force yesterday

Eurasian Economic Union agreement entered into force yesterday The Russia-Belarus-Kazakhstan customs union, which was established in 2010, became the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) on Thursda...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2015

Role of state-owned enterprises rising in Russia

Role of state-owned enterprises rising in Russia Seven of the top ten companies listed among the largest Russian firms of 2014 based on sales were state owned, according to Expert, a Russian...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2015

Rapid growth last year in military spending of Russia and China

Russia Rapid growth last year in military spending of Russia and China Data compiled by the Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) show that total military expenditure by natio...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2020

Russia and China rise in World Bank rankings; unchanged in WEF rankings

Russia Russia and China rise in World Bank rankings; unchanged in WEF rankings Both annual comparisons were released in October. The World Bank’s survey of 190 economies in Doing Business 20...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2019

Russia wants to spur e-commerce

Russia Russia wants to spur e-commerce Russia wants to spur e-commerce The Russian administration has recently been enthused over digital economy and compiled related development p...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2017

Kazakhstan’s acting president Tokayev wins presidential election

Russia Kazakhstan’s acting president Tokayev wins presidential election The tallied results from the presidential elections held last Sunday (June 9) show Kassym-Jomart Tokayev garnered 71&...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2019

Russian and Indian leaders meet to discuss economic relations

Russia Russian and Indian leaders meet to discuss economic relations Russian president Putin hosted the leaders of India, Japan, Mongolia and Malaysia at the Eastern Economic Forum on Septe...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2019

Russia’s population declines, greys and increasingly packs into cities

Russia Russia’s population declines, greys and increasingly packs into cities The UN’s latest population forecast shows the Russian population falling from its current 146 million to 135 mil...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2019

Russia seeks to increase food supply independence through trade and agriculture policies

Russia seeks to increase food supply independence through trade and agriculture policies Russia seeks to increase food supply independence through trade and agriculture policies

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2017

Finnish-Russian trade contracted last year

The value of Finnish goods exports to Russia last year was just €4.6 billion, its lowest level since 2009. While the value of exports was down 14 % y-o-y for all of 2014, it was down over 20 ...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2015