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Stagnation in Russia, Growth- stimulating Policies and Fiscal Sustainability Assessment National Research University ‘Higher School of Economics’ (Moscow, Russia) ‘Developme... / globalassets / bofit / bofit / news / events / documents

Yasushi Nakamura (Yokohama National University): Man shall not live by ‘imports’ alone: Endogenous economic growth in Russia

​Thursday 25th August at 13:30–14:30 Yasushi Nakamura (Yokohama National University) will present his paper entitled Man shall not live by ‘imports’ alone: Endogenous economic growth in Russi... / BOFIT start page / Research / Seminars / BOFIT seminars 2011–2016 / 2016

Eugenia Nazrullaeva: Technological progress and fixed capital investment in Russia’s manufacturing industries in 2003–2011: firm level analysis

​Tuesday 2.7.2013 at 10:30 Eugenia Nazrullaeva (Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia): Technological progress and fixed capital investment in Russia’s manufacturing industries ... / BOFIT start page / Research / Seminars / BOFIT seminars 2011–2016 / 2013

Fungáčová & Herrala & Weill: Bank ownership and credit supply during the financial crisis: evidence from Russia

1.11.2011 Tuesday at 10.30 Zuzana Fungáčová (BOFIT), Risto Herrala (BOFIT) and Laurent Weill (Université de Strasbourg and BOFIT): Bank ownership and ... credit supply during the financ... / BOFIT start page / Research / Seminars / BOFIT seminars 2011–2016 / 2011

Fungáčová & Jakubík: Bank stress tests as an information device for emerging markets: the case of Russia

13.12.2011 Thursday at 10.30 Zuzana Fungáčová (BOFIT) and Petr Jakubík (ECB): Bank stress tests as an information device for emerging markets: the case of Russia Abstract The r... / BOFIT start page / Research / Seminars / BOFIT seminars 2011–2016 / 2011

Research publication prepared at the Bank of Finland Institute for Economies in Transition (BOFIT) wins a prize for the best economic study on Russia

Research publication prepared at the Bank of Finland Institute for Economies in Transition (BOFIT) wins a prize for the best economic study on Russia ​A BOFIT research paper has been awarded... / BOFIT start page / BOFIT / Latest releases / News / 2014

Andrei Yakovlev: Incentives in public administration – Why Russia has not achieved what USSR did till the late 1960's or China has been doing since 1980's?

​Friday 24.10.2014 10:30–11:30 Andrei Yakovlev (HSE, Moscow): Incentives in public administration – Why Russia has not achieved what USSR did till the late 1960's or China has been doing ... / BOFIT start page / Research / Seminars / BOFIT seminars 2011–2016 / 2014

Anna Pestova and Mikhail Mamonov: Conditional forecasting with BVAR model for Russia: the role of oil prices, sanctions, and monetary policy

Mamonov (Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-term Forecasting, Moscow) Conditional forecasting with BVAR model for Russia: the role of oil prices, sanctions, and monetary policy Abstr... / BOFIT start page / Research / Seminars / BOFIT seminars 2011–2016 / 2016

Sanctions on Russia further tightened in June

Russia Sanctions on Russia further tightened in June The European Union, United States and United Kingdom expanded their economic sanctions on Russia in June. The new roun...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2024

Session 3 - 2 - Iikka Korhonen.pdf

sanctions on trade with Russia Iikka Korhonen and Heli Simola | Public | BOF/FIN-FSA-UNRESTRICTED Motivation • Russia attacked Ukraine in 2014, and the even more destructive ... / globalassets / bofit / research / conferences-and-workshops / 2023


Russia in 2012: The Challenge of Reforming the Economy without A Political Reform Konstantin Sonin New Economic School CEEI 2012 Road Map  Short-term  How good are Russ... / globalassets / bofit / tutkimus / konferenssit-ja-tyopajat / 2010-2015 / ceei2012


Bank of Finland Institute for Economies in Transition – BOFIT BOFIT Russia Statistics ... / globalassets / bofit / monitoring / statistics


СТАВКЕ Helsinki, 2016 CHALLENGES TO MONETARY POLICY Andrey Lipin, Deputy Head of Monetary policy Department, Bank of Russia О КЛЮЧЕВОЙ СТАВКЕ 2 Shocks in 2014 and monetary poli... / globalassets / bofit / tutkimus / konferenssit-ja-tyopajat / 2016 / bofit25


report Russia’s nominal GDP in 2010 at about $1.47 trillion. • Russia was the 11th largest economy in the world in 2010, falling from 8th or 9th in 2008. • Using PPP exchange rates, Russi... / globalassets / bofit / tutkimus / konferenssit-ja-tyopajat / 2010-2015 / bofit20


is compiled and edited from a variety of sources. The Bank of Finland assumes no responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of the information, and opinions expressed do not necessarily refle... / globalassets / bofit / monitoring / weekly / 2011


& law enforcement 47 9 5 11 14 Social security 24 7 0 28 29 Economy 1 -4 -4 16 11 Health care 9 -9 -8 5 3 Education 8 -7 -11 5 3 Housing -42 -23 -29 2 1 Debt servicing 11 24 20 3 4 General transfe... / globalassets / bofit / monitoring / weekly / 2011


0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Imports Production Russia The government prepares to extend car recycling fee to Russian-made cars. Economy mini... / globalassets / bofit / monitoring / weekly / 2013


Exports will strengthen in 2025–2026 • Impact of net exports will remain minor Feature articles: 7Juuso Vanhala | Monetary Policy and Research Department, Bank of FinlandPublic | BOF/FIN-FSA-UNRES... / globalassets / en / media-and-publications / speeches-and-interviews / documents


BOFIT Weekly 21 • 23.5.2014 Russia Even as the Russian economy stalls, industrial output revives. Rosstat’s first assessment of Russian first-quarter economic gr... / globalassets / bofit / monitoring / weekly / 2014


BOFIT Weekly 35 • 29.8.2014 Russia Russia’s economy ministry lowers growth forecast for 2015. While the ministry reiterated its forecast of 0.5 % GDP growth fo... / globalassets / bofit / monitoring / weekly / 2014