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Contributions (3oC range) 2oC 1.5oC G tC O 2e Gap for 2oC (10 -15 GtCO2e in 2030) Source: Stylised trajectories based on UNEP (2018) Global emissions are slowing down, but need start decr... / globalassets / en / financial-stability / events / green-finance


| FINLANDS BANK | BANK OF FINLAND IN THIS RESEARCH ♦ we examine how the introduction of deposit insurance influences the relationship between bank capital and liquidity creation ♦ we use introduc... / globalassets / en / research / seminars-and-conferences / conferences-and-workshops / documents / cepr2010


vastakkainasetteluun? • ei valtasuhteet • Ei erilaiset intressit (laajassa mielessä) • Ei erilaiset arvot • Vaan kasvanut epäluulo ja luottamuksen puute • Erilaiset käsitykset suhteiden... / globalassets / bofit / bofit / ajankohtaista / tapahtumat / documents

Russian government spending in stimulus mode last year

Russian government spending in stimulus mode last year Consolidated budget revenues declined last year by only about 3 % in nominal terms (the ... revenue streams increased slightly even without ...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2021

New Russian budget rule frames government spending; sovereign funds to be combined

Russia New Russian budget rule frames government spending; sovereign funds to be combined New Russian budget rule frames government spending; sovereign funds to be combined The Duma this w...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2017

Covid-19 crisis has increased broad unemployment and part-time employment in Russia

Russia Covid-19 crisis has increased broad unemployment and part-time employment in Russia Using the methodology of the International Labour Organization (ILO), Rosstat’s latest su...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2020

Debate on oil taxation continues in Russia

Debate on oil taxation continues in Russia The finance ministry has prepared a proposal that calls for shifting the emphasis from taxing production and exports to taxing oil company profits....

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2016

Russian government works on changes in taxes next year and price controls

Russia Russian government works on changes in taxes next year and price controls As part of preparing Russia’s 2022−2024 federal budget and assessment of the prospects of the entir...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2021

Tough November for China’s economy as covid situation worsens and export demand evaporates

China Tough November for China’s economy as covid situation worsens and export demand evaporates China’s declining retail sales, a proxy for consumption demand, highlight the impacts of the latest wav...

Subject: China ; Kiina / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2022

Tough negotiations over Russia’s 2016 federal budget continue

Tough negotiations over Russia’s 2016 federal budget continue President Vladimir Putin last week declared that the federal budget deficit next year should not exceed 3 % of GDP. Putin’s targ...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2015

United States moves ahead on dismantling sanctions on aluminium giant Rusal

Russia United States moves ahead on dismantling sanctions on aluminium giant Rusal The US treasury department notified Congress on December 19 of its intent to lift sanctions on the energy ...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2019

Chinese economy stumbled in April

China Chinese economy stumbled in April Covid lockdowns and the resulting uncertainty and supply-chain disruptions caused China’s key economic indicators to plummet in April. The National Bureau of St...

Subject: China ; Kiina / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2022

More light on developments in the Russian economy last year

Russia More light on developments in the Russian economy last year Rosstat reports that seasonally adjusted GDP grew briskly from the final months of 2016 to mid-2017. The revival then came...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2018

CBR lowers key rate; announces around 4 % inflation target for coming years

Russia CBR lowers key rate; announces around 4 % inflation target for coming years CBR lowers key rate; announces around 4 % inflation target for coming years At its regular monetary polic...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2017

Russian budget revenues expected to rise on favourable economic forecast and planned tax hikes

Russian budget revenues expected to rise on favourable economic forecast and planned tax hikes The finance ministry expects consolidated budget revenues to rise slightly faster than inflation in comin...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2017

CBR to buy forex on the market for the finance ministry

CBR to buy forex on the market for the finance ministry The finance ministry announced that the background is refraining from using extra oil & gas tax revenues (i.e. income that results from Ural...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2017

Russian government limits the fall of household incomes with social assistance and higher wages

Russia Russian government limits the fall of household incomes with social assistance and higher wages Real household incomes fell by over 8 % y-o-y in the second quarter. In the third...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2020

Russian manufacturing on the road to recovery, while extractive industries remain in a deep slump

Russia Russian manufacturing on the road to recovery, while extractive industries remain in a deep slump Industrial output was in June down almost as much in on-year terms as in May, with t...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2020

Duma and Federation Council approve federal budget and state social fund budgets

Duma and Federation Council approve federal budget and state social fund budgets Russia's lower and upper houses of parliament accepted the government's proposals for 2017–2019 feder...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2016

Russia plans to increase government revenues in the next few years without hikes in large general taxes

Russia plans to increase government revenues in the next few years without hikes in large general taxes In the draft 2017‒2019 federal budget submitted to the Duma, the finance ministry comp...

Subject: Russia ; Venäjä / BOFIT start page / Monitoring / Weekly Review / 2016