BOFIT Weekly Review 07/2017

Varying performance in Russian manufacturing branches last year

In 2015, the volume of manufacturing output fell 5.4 %. Last year, the output was virtually unchanged from 2015. Credit for ending the overall decline goes to 5–6 % gains in output in the sizeable chemical branch and a couple of per cent gain in the large food industry. The smaller rubber and plastics branch, a boom industry, also returned to growth. Growth of machinery & equipment output ended years of decline (thanks to two sub-branches), and output rose in forest industries. Manufacturing was pulled down mainly by three branches. Production of oil products fell after many years of growth, while the metal and construction material industries experienced their second year of decline in a row. Production of electrical machinery & equipment, as well as transport vehicles, continued to contract.

Output of various Russian manufacturing branches, 2008–2016

Source: Rosstat, BOFIT.