BOFIT Weekly Review 51/2015
China’s industrial output recovered slightly in November
Industrial output grew 6.2 % y-o-y last month, up from 5.6 % in October. Growth in fixed asset investment in the first eleven months of the year remained at 10 %. Infrastructure investment increased rapidly (18 % y-o-y), while growth in real estate investment slowed to 1 %.
Growth in retail sales remained high in November, with retail sales up 11 % y-o-y in real terms. “Singles Day” on November 11 boosted online sales, and helped raise the share of goods trade conducted online to 18 % of all good trade in November. Online sales of goods and services were up 35 % y o y in January-November.
Consumer price inflation accelerated slightly in November to 1.5 %. Base inflation (food and energy prices removed) remained unchanged at 1.5 %. Producer prices continued their rapid decline.
Price trends in China, % change y-o-y

Source: Macrobond