BOFIT Weekly Review 46/2015

Finnish investment in Russia continues to heavily exceed Russian investment in Finland

Statistics Finland (SF) reports that the stock of Finland’s foreign direct investment (FDI) in 2014 amounted to €2.2 billion for Russia and €200 million for China. Finland’s total FDI stock abroad was €97 billion. It should be noted that bilateral FDI figures do not necessarily give a complete picture of corporate real investment abroad as they reflect financial flows. Firms with international operations may seek investment financing from multiple countries, which complicates compilation of bilateral investment figures. The Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK) estimates that Finnish firms have invested a total of about €12 billion in Russia and over €10 billion in China.

Russia’s total FDI stock in Finland was €1.1 billion in 2014, while Chinese FDI in Finland was negligible. The total FDI stock in Finland last year amounted to €77 billion.

Indicators of Finnish international business 2014, EUR billion
Table of the indicators of Finnish international businesses in Russia, China and the World in 2014
Sources: Statistics Finland (SF), Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK).